
10 things you can do tomorrow on the Green Books Campaign

The Green Books Campaign is almost here!

Tomorrow, November 10, at 1 p.m.,
200 bloggers will simultaneously publish reviews of 200 books printed on environmentally-friendly paper. By turning a spotlight on books printed using greener methods, Eco-Libris aims to raise consumer awareness about considering the environment when making book purchases.

The 200 books to be reviewed are in a variety of subjects including cooking, poetry, travel, green living, and history, and come from 56 publishers from the U.S., Canada, Australia, and the U.K. that are participating in the Green Books Campaign.

Full list of participating books and bloggers is available at http://www.ecolibris.net/greenbookscampaign2010.asp.

Join us tomorrow to a great celebration of green books! How you can participate in the campaign? Here are 10 ideas

1. Check the reviews of books on the campaign's list that look interesting to you and add your comments to their reviews.

2. Tweet the campaign (you can also follow it on twitter).

3. Post it in your Facebook status update and join the conversation on the campaign's Facebook page.

4. Learn more about the green agenda of some of the participating publishers on Eco-Libris blog.

5. Update your green and lit LinkedIn groups about the campaign.

6. Find a book on the campaign's list that you already read and loved? Write a review on Amazon mentioning the green aspect of the book.

7. Post it on literary websites and social networks, like BookMooch, Goodreads, LibraryThing, BookRabbit and others.

8. Check out the unique search feature of Indigo Books & Music that enables you to identify books that are printed on recycled or FSC-certified paper.

9. Learn more why it is important to print books on eco-friendly paper by visiting the campaign's resources page (will be operating by Wednesday)

10. See a book on the campaign's list that you would like to read? Buy it for yourself or as a green gift to someone you care about. You're also invited to look for it on your local library!

Have more ideas? Please add a comment and share them with us.