
Book review of Green Your Home: The Complete Guide to Making Your New or Existing Home Environmentally Healthy

Today we have a guest book review of “Green Your Home: The Complete Guide to Making Your New or Existing Home Environmentally Healthy” written by Taylor Dardan.

Jeanne Roberts does an excellent job of explaining different ways to make your home environmentally friendly in this suggested bookstore purchase. In the 2008 release from Atlantic Publishing Company, Roberts does a great job of setting the tone for the rest of the book by explaining the evaporating resources of the earth at this moment. She then goes on to explain the main reason the energy and fuel are diminishing is because of inflated use of our resources.

Essentially this set up allows Roberts to name a great number of things that will help to reverse escalating temperature and the cut in our natural resources. Roberts’ structure of using large references at first is very effective, because it puts the reader in perspective. She is able to draw the reader’s attention to the world’s large scale problems, then goes on to talk about the detailed ways to make your own impact on the major issues. Among the things Roberts suggested were filling the home with eco-friendly appliances and using incandescent light bulbs to help cut down on the overall utility costs at home.

Roberts’ transition from global effect to work at home is excellent. She touches on how the most important aspect of going green is evaluating your own things and moving forward from there. Her description points towards the fact that making little changes at first is the best way to adapt to an eco-friendly lifestyle. She says that it would be more valuable to see what you can replace and reuse around your home, rather than take a large undertaking. Among her tips, she claimed that switching out appliances or household cleaners and other things that could be replaced for little to no cost in the long run were great things to start with around the house.

In the most detail possible, Jeanne Roberts also explains some of the more detailed levels in which you can take to make your home more sustainable and green. Among the things she describes is the process for replacing your roof or using eco friendly insulation and how they can have multiple benefits to your own home. Not only will they help with sustainability, but they could end up preventing possible things like radon, asbestos exposure, and volatile organic compounds.

Within the book, Roberts does an outstanding job of covering all the bases of making your home more eco-friendly. She not only describes small, simple steps but also delves into a number of larger projects that people could be interested in as well. Her ability to touch on nearly all the aspects of going green at home make this a great option for anyone looking into an environmental book, especially for someone wanting to get some good tips. Along with an excellent structure for providing the reader both knowledge and tips, Roberts ability to go into great detail with multiple methods of going green makes this a great purchase option in the bookstore.