Today we review a green book that was released this week and is full with great tips and beautiful photos from National Geographic!
Our book is:
True Green Life In 100 Everyday Ways
Authors: Kim Mckay and Jenny Bonnin
Kim McKay and Jenny Bonnin are partners in the social marketing firm Momentum2, whose clients include National Geographic. Both authors are also key executives of Clean Up Australia and Clean Up the World, the original inspiration for the True Green movement.
Publisher: National Geographic
Published on: March 2010
What this book is about? (from the publisher's website)
National Geographic’s very popular True Green series has always featured a winning blend of easy-to-follow advice, informative or surprising facts, and dynamic illustrations, integrated by a simple, clean design. Now, in our fifth title, we explore the truly Green life in 100 brand-new ways.
True Green Life is the natural next step for the growing community who embrace the savvy yet practical lifestyle known as True Green. This colorful, practical book presents scores of completely new tips for simply yet surely transforming everything from our vacations to our health to our celebrations. Ten chapters, liberally illustrated with 100 color photographs, present a wide cross-section of useful and uncomplicated ways not only to help the environment, but also to save money through smarter use of resources. Surprising facts, easy-to-understand advice, and a dynamic presentation follow the style of the previous True Green titles: friendly, familiar, and sure to be this season’s favorite among the many readers who already know and love these books.
What we think about it?
Firstly I want to talk about the photos in the book. Still it's a National Geographic book.. And you get to see it on each and every page! This book is beautifully designed by Marian Kyte and it's an aesthetic experience that appeals to the eye of the reader. It definitely gets you into the right mood of making your life greener, giving you the (true) sense that green is not only the right way, but it's also beautiful.True Green Life is the natural next step for the growing community who embrace the savvy yet practical lifestyle known as True Green. This colorful, practical book presents scores of completely new tips for simply yet surely transforming everything from our vacations to our health to our celebrations. Ten chapters, liberally illustrated with 100 color photographs, present a wide cross-section of useful and uncomplicated ways not only to help the environment, but also to save money through smarter use of resources. Surprising facts, easy-to-understand advice, and a dynamic presentation follow the style of the previous True Green titles: friendly, familiar, and sure to be this season’s favorite among the many readers who already know and love these books.
What we think about it?
As you can understand from the book's name, it provides you with 100 simple tips and ideas on how to green up your life. It talks about food, clothing, leisure time, celebrations, health, travel and many other elements of our lives.
The tips try to stay very practical and easy. There are no big changes there, only small steps that make a difference and together create an impact. Some of the tips are more common like sending eco-friendly invites and cards or getting on your bike instead of your car at least once a week. Some are more challenging like arranging an eco-funeral or booking an eco-friendly vacation. But even these tasks are doable, and in any case even if you choose to implement only 10-15 tips, your footprint will be lighter.
I liked the emphasis the book has on outdoors - sometimes all you need to get green is to appreciate the natural world on your doorstep, explore your national parks and plant trees and plants around your house. It is really as simple as it can get and this book is a great reminder of these options we have to make our life greener and happier.
Lat but not least, I also want to mention that this book is printed on recycled paper and its production has been carbon offset by CO2 Australia.
Bottom Line: Useful and beautiful!
Disclosure: We received a copy of this book from the publisher.
Raz @ Eco-Libris
Eco-Libris: Promoting sustainable reading!