Our friends over at sustainablog are going to be at the eco bed & breakfast The Milkweed Mercantile throwing a blogathon to raise money for Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage. One of the longest-running blogs on environmental issues, they also recently launched an eco friendly products comparison shopping site, selling everything from green cleaning supplies and organic clothing to energy efficient appliances and composting toilets.
The blogathon will raise funds to support residential learning opportunities at Dancing Rabbit in organic gardening, natural green building, and wind and solar renewable energy design and installation. Interested in checking out Dancing Rabbit for yourself, or taking advantage of some of their educational opportunities? Read more here. And consider making a pledge to support this sustainable community's efforts.
We'll be posting this Friday as part of the blogathon, so don't forget to visit our blog then. You can read more details on the Pedal-a-Watt Powered Blogathon at http://blog.sustainablog.org/sustainablog-pedal-powered-blogathon/
Raz @ Eco-Libris
Eco-Libris: Promoting sustainable reading!
photo credit: Dancing Rabbit