Today Greg is talking about Earth Day in a special tip for the upcoming 40th anniversary of Earth Day next week.
What is the advice from Denis Hayes, the founder of Earth Day to us today?
Tip #41

Last night I attended a screening of Earth Days, a movie coming out shortly, that is a review of "40 Years of Going Green"
The filmmaker is Robert Stone and the ORIGINAL Earth Day coordinator, Denis Hayes, were at the screening and we got to hear from them after this absolutely, terrific movie.
I was like a kid, and asked for Denis to autograph my invitation. That is the one and only autograph I have ever gotten in my life tme. I told him that I started my Environmental Printing businss at the 20th Anniversary of Earth Day. So his dream became my reality in forming my business.
It was funny how they said there were no Twitter, Linkedin or Facebook to help spread the word on the first Earth Day.
They went on TV, they got magazines to feature them, they worked around the clock to make it happen, and it was a bi-partisan effort in our government to support this hugely, successful 1st Earth Day.
Their panel told us we need to energize ourselves, and keep their vision going. We need to encourage our friends to be environmental, and to not forget how our rivers and streams were so polluted, and how the smog in California was so bad, events got canciled. Just don't get lazy and complacent. Push for a better planet.
Don't put all our baskets in Climate Change. We need to control our population, and we need to
save our natural resources, and conserve our energy, etc. It was also funny to hear that President Nixon should be known as one of the most environmental Presidents.
The USEPA and many first environmental laws came because he pushed for them.
So, here we are 40 years later, and we all need to to our part to protect OUR environment.
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Happy Earth Day!
For additional information, please visit www.gregbarberco.com and www.ecofriendlyprinter.com. You can email Greg at greg@gregbarberco.com.
You can find links to all the tips we published so far on our green printing tips page, which is part of our green printing tools & resources.
Raz @ Eco-Libris