
Moon Willow Press plant trees with Eco-Libris for their first e-Book: The Little Big Town

We are happy to update you on our collaboration with Moon Willow Press (MWP), a Canadian editor and publisher, to plant trees for the first e-Book they have released: The Little Big Town.

Moon Willow Press
is a start-up Canadian editor and publisher, offering two services in North America: Editing and Proofreading and Book Publishing. They're a member of the Green Press Initiative and a truly sustainable publisher, and we're very proud to partner with them.

As part of their commitment to the environment, Moon Willow started a campaign where 33% of the first 100 sales of their first e-book,
The Little Big Town, go toward Eco-Libris. Already as a result of their campaign, 200 trees will be planted with our planting partners.

Here's more about this e-Book:
Description: Follow young Julie Paris’s journey from her home in Chicago to a small northern Wisconsin town on the banks of the Wolf River. Julie feels left out of an impoverished but soulful community, and, feeling vulnerable and alone, turns to the great outdoors for adventure. Here she learns about the Menominee history of the area and lets her imagination run wild. It isn’t long before the cold November snow — and an unforeseen friend — fall into her life.

The e-book can be bought here:
http://www.moonwillowpress.com/category/titles/little-big-town/. And remember that the campaign is not over yet!

Raz @ Eco-Libris

Eco-Libris: Promoting sustainable reading!