
Happy birthday - Eco-Libris is three years old!

Last weekend when the United States celebrated Independence Day, Eco-Libris had its own birthday celebration - we have just turned three years old!

Yes, another year passed and just like the year before, it wasn't an easy one. Like many others we had to cope with a challenging economic environment and that wasn't easy :) Still, we did our best not only to keep our head above the water, but also to grow and move forward in our quest to make reading more sustainable.

And indeed it was a year of progress - we managed to create more partnerships, launch a unique campaign promoting books that are printed in an eco-friendly manner, enhance our educational work, join the Book Industry Environmental Council, contribute to the discussion on how green e-books and e-readers are, provide further analysis of the green trends in the book industry, visit one of our planting partners and of course plant more trees!

I am proud to report that Eco-Libris balanced out so far 145,347 books, which resulted in 158,949 new trees, of which 47,559 are the result of our operations on the third year.

Here are our tree planting figures over our three of operations:

2007/8 65,865
2008/9 45,525
2009/10 47,559
Total: 158,949

*Photo above is courtesy of our planting partner AIR from the 2009 planting season - AIR volunteer and young helper planting Aliso trees to fertilize family crop, in El Tablon, Guatemala.

We would also like to take this opportunity and thank everyone involved in our efforts - from the dedicated eco-conscious readers that balance out their books with us, through our partners - publishers, authors, bookstores, businesses, organizations and others that take action to support sustainable reading and of course our wonderful planting partners, which are doing such a great job in planting the trees in developing countries.

Here's a reminder of some of things we did on this year, month by month:

July 2009
Our planting partner SHI is getting mentioned on Oprah Magazine

The state of green printing: An interview with Livio Ciciotti of Monroe Litho

August 2009
A new children's book, "A Lion's Mane" is going green with Eco-Libris

Global Sky, a leading Philippines-based call center is partnering with Eco-Libris

September 2009
Analysis of a new report that finds Kindle to be greener than physical books

Write Bloody Publishing is partnering with Eco-Libris, starting with a poems collection by Taylor Mali

October 2009
Pick-a-WooWoo Publishers, an Australian publisher, is going green with Eco-Libris

Kabbalah Publishing, publisher of "The Power to Change Everything" by Yehuda Berg is collaborating with Eco-Libris

November 2009
Our Green Books Campaign is taking place with over 100 bloggers who take a stand to support books printed in an eco-friendly manner by publishing reviews of more than 100 such books

A new book from Flux, "Turning to One Another", is going green with Eco-Libris

December 2009
We publish the annual assessments of our planting partners

Everything you always wanted to know about forestry carbon credits - A special interview with Paulo Lopes of Carbon Clear

January 2010
Presenting a new series: How green is the iPad?

GreetQ is celebrating 650 new trees that are being planted with Eco-Libris following their operations in 2009

February 2010
Eco-Libris starts a new campaign rewarding green readers with green gifts

Karen Finneyrock's new collection of poetry is going green with Eco-Libris

March 2010
Plant a Book: ELI, a leader in educational publishing, is partnering with Eco-Libris in a new program aiming to plant tens of thousands of trees

A new memoir, Coming Clean by Sarah Dean, is going green with Eco-Libris

April 2010
The reissued novel The Birth Machine by Elizabeth Baines is going green with Eco-Libris

Launching new pages on the future of publishing and the future of bookstores

May 2010
Moon Willow Press plant trees with Eco-Libris for their first e-Book: The Little Big Town

Speaking with green marketing experts in an attempt to to find out if book publishers can build an effective green brand

June 2010
Infinity partners with Eco-Libris to launch the first green program for self-publishing authors

How green is my iPad? Analyzing the iPad's environmental report (4-part series)