
Want some candies? Go to Strand!

If you needed another reason to go to Strand Bookstore, which is taking part in our bookstores program, we've got it for you and it's as sweet as it can get!

The New York Daily News reported yesterday (and thanks to mediabistro.com: GalleyCat for the link) that "customers are abuzz over a newly built Candyland on the shelves beneath the 40-foot-long checkout counter at the Union Square used-book mecca."

Customers, according to the article, can find there Old-fashioned sweets like $2.95 boxes of Gobstoppers, $1.95 chewable wax lips and three-for-35-cents Pixy Stix.

The reason is very simple - another way to generate income, especially from those who just browse the books in the store, as Fred Bass, Strand co-owner
, explains on the article (he's the one standing on the photo above in front of the candy shelves).

Candies are of course just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to considering a visit in the store.
Located in 828 Broadway (at 12th St.), this New York's independent landmark bookstore is one of most famous bookstores in the world. As mediabistro.com: GalleyCat reminds us Strand "boasts an 18-mile collection's worth of new, used, rare, and out-of-print books. Some of the rare titles include a first-edition of Lewis Baltz's Park City, a signed first-edition of Hunter S. Thompson's Kingdom of Fear, and a signed complete set of the Writings of Mark Twain: Definitive Edition. The last collector's item will set a buyer back $5,500."

And of course customers at Strand can plant a tree for every book they buy there and receive our sticker at the counter!