
The Birth Machine by Elizabeth Baines, who is collaborating with Eco-Libris, is out now!

Last April we wrote here on a new collaboration with author Elizabeth Baines on her novel "The Birth Machine". This is Elizabeth Baines' first novel, which is reissued by Salt Publishing. And today is the day! Salt's brand-new edition of The Birth Machine is now officially out.

One tree will be planted with Eco-Libris for every printed copy of "The Birth Machine". This is the second book of Elizabeth Baines we're greening up. The first one is "Too Many Magpies", which was described as 'Moving and compelling' by Sarah Salway. One tree is planted for each printed copy of this novel as well.

Here are some more details on the launch of "The Birth Machine" from an update we received from the author:

The London launch takes place next week and all are very welcome. (Details below). The new edition restores my original structure (changed by the Women's Press for the first edition) and at the launch I'll talk a little about the implications of the differences between the editions. Mostly, though, it will be a celebration: one is very lucky to have a reissue at all, leave alone in these difficult times, and I'm more than grateful to Salt.

Do come and help me celebrate if you're free - I would love to see you there!

Wednesday 10th November 2010, 6.30 pm
Blackwell’s, 100 Charing Cross Rd
LONDON WC2H 0JG 020 7292 5100
Free. Wine and nibbles.
Underground: Tottenham Court Road

By the way, on the same day itself (Nov 10), Elizabeth Baines will participate in the Green Books Campaign reviewing "The Mistress of Nothing" by Kate Pullinger, so if you're not in London for the launch party, you can still check Elizabeth Baines' blog, read the review and take part in the campaign!

Raz @ Eco-Libris

Eco-Libris: Promoting sustainable reading!