
Are men from Mars and women from Venus when it comes to green marketing?

Apparently yes! Green marketing to women takes a different approach than green marketing to men.

Check out this interesting video where Bill Roth, who partners with Eco-Libris to plant trees for his books THE SECRET GREEN SAUCE and "On Empty (Out of Time), interviews Mike Dodge, President of Atomic Online, during OMMA Video Conference in San Francisco. They discuss best practices concerning women seeking green products vs. men seeking to buy green products.

(source: Environmental Leader)

I found it very interesting and learned couple of differences that are gender based like the fact that women are looking for advice and tips and are value focused whereas men likes facts and let them make the decision, or at least feel they're making it.. You'll find many more of these interesting differences in this interview so check it out.

You're are also invited to visit Bill Roth's website -
Earth 2017, where you will find more interesting articles he wrote and other great green business materials. You can also find there you can get at no cost the first chapter of The Secret Green Sauce: Best practices used by actual companies successfully growing green revenues.

Raz @ Eco-Libris

Eco-Libris: Promoting sustainable reading!