
Watch the Espresso Book Machine at McNally Jackson in action!

We wrote here in the past about the Espresso Book Machine, the machine that brings POD into bookstores, but it's always fun to see it in action. NPR’s Science Friday (a great show by the way) has a great video on their visit at McNally Jackson in New York checking out their Espresso Book Machine.

According to McNally Jackson's website, their new Espresso Book Machine "can print in minutes affordable, library-quality paperbacks. In addition to those books publishers have given us access to, the machine can also print anything in the public domain--increasing the store's inventory by over 4 million potential titles" To search the books available to print, click here.

The video is available at www.sciencefriday.com/arts/2011/02/robot-invades-nyc-bookstore/

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