Is Books-A-Million going to follow Borders into bankruptcy?Last month it was announced that Books-A-Million agreed to acquire lease interest in 14 of Borders stores for $934,209. Yet last week GalleyCat reported that Books-A-Million will close four outlets. ... readmore
Why John Malone does not want to buy Barnes and Noble?Bloomberg reported yesterday that "Liberty Media Corp., controlled by billionaire John Malone, invested $204 million in Barnes & Noble Inc. (BKS) after dropping its offer to acquire the largest U ... readmore
Five ideas that can help Powell's Books avoid bankruptcy Powell's Books, a nearly 40-year-old book retailer with six stores in the Portland area, including the 68,000-square-foot flagship, Powell's City of Books, which is described as "the most vaunted br ... readmore
5 comments on How Green Is My iPad?The New York Times published last Sunday an Op-Ed piece, How Green Is My iPad?, written by Daniel Goleman and Gregory Norris. Norris and Goleman present there the life cycle analysis (LCA) they made, ... readmore