This joint program was launched by Infinity Publishing, a leading self-publishing company together with Eco-Libris to promote environmental sustainability among its authors. Through the program, authors that publish with Infinity are able to plant 100 trees for the title they publish. These authors also have the option to add a special "100 trees planted for this book" logo to their book's design, as a way to showcase their commitment to environmental sustainability.
What's this book is about?
Tommy's book has created a revolution in theories of human choice and the emotive programming of computers, with a brilliant new frame for spiritual joy. Disciplines as far ranging as Psychology, Religion, Philosophy, Neuroscience, Computer Science, Decision Theory, Semiotics, Game Development, Death Counseling, Relationships, Law, Negotiation and Arbitration, and a dozen others have found Halstead's insights and frames novel and suggestive.
About the author: Tommy frequently muses about how his field of Emotive Programming -- algorithms that teach computers to feel-- might relate to a life torn apart by the loss of our loved ones, serious illness, destruction of the brain's higher functions in stroke, job loss, financial ruin, and other painful life changes. His creation of "Algorithmic Psychology" seminars worldwide has helped thousands look at life in a very different new frame, a frame in which life's painful events do not have to change our joy.
This is Your Brain on God is available for sale on Infinity's website.
Other books on the "100 Trees Project":
The Last Original Idea: A Cynic's View to Internet Marketing by Alan K'necht and Geri Rockstein
Buffalo on the Ridge by Deanna Meyer
What Love Is...A-Z by by Elle Febbo
Raven Wings and 13 More Twisted Tales
Ishift- Innovation Shift
Good Management is Not Firefighting
Play on Words
Raz @ Eco-Libris