
The new book Ligeia/Bryndt has joined the 100 trees Project!

If you like books about journeys, both inner and outer ones, you should take a look in the new book Ligeia/Bryndt by Silas Jackson and Juilan Traas, which follows the inner and outer journeys of two unlikely companions, who are bound to each other by an immutable destiny they cannot understand.

We're also happy to update you that this great book
has just joined the "100 Trees Project"!

This joint program was launched by Infinity Publishing, a leading self-publishing company together with Eco-Libris to promote environmental sustainability among its authors. Through the program, authors that publish with Infinity are able to plant 100 trees for the title they publish. These authors also have the option to add a special "100 trees planted for this book" logo to their book's design, as a way to showcase their commitment to environmental sustainability.

What's this book is about? Ligeia/Bryndt follows the inner and outer journeys of two unlikely companions, who are bound to each other by an immutable destiny they cannot understand. One, an elfin priestess, has suffered unspeakable atrocities at the hands of humanity. Her heart torn asunder by profound inner conflict, Ligeia seeks to balance the peaceful ideals of her clement, harmless teachers against the seething rage which fills her. The other, a human warrior, has been exiled from his own land. He bitterly regrets the things he has done, yet sees no way to be redeemed.

About the authors:
Silas D. L. Jackson - Silas D. L. Jackson lives in the quaint New England home he was born in, beside a tranquil lake. He derives most of his inspiration from his study of Yoga, where he contorts his body just so, in a room just super-heated enough, as to spark hallucinations about interesting characters and fantastical storylines.

Julian R. Traas - Julian R. Traas was born in France. Buffeted between continents throughout his formative years, he landed just north of Atlanta, Georgia. A trilingual college student trapped in the attempt to take life less than seriously, Julian’s true love is writing.

Raz @ Eco-Libris