
Ten green things you shouldn't be horrified about this Halloween!

Halloween is almost here, so we thought of sharing with you today a list of ten green things you shouldn't be horrified about this Halloween (and in general):

1. Taking small steps to reduce your footprint even if you don't have an eco-concierge or you have just read 'Going Green but Getting Nowhere', which made you think it's all hopeless.

2. Telling President Obama: Stop the Keystone XL Pipeline.

3. Visiting your local Occupy Wall-Street protest (you might even meet Paul Krugman there..)

4. Checking the new Nest Learning Thermostat (as cool as a thermostat can get!)

5. Feeling optimistic about the future of sustainable consumption

6. Buying Mark Bittman's
book 'The Food Matters Cookbook: 500 Revolutionary Recipes for Better Living' (and try some of his great recipes!)

7. Car sharing or even carpooling!

8. Looking for flip flops made of recycled paper (or: Paperflops)

9. Exploring your local e-library options.

10. Enjoying the fall colors (before it gets too late or just too cold..)

If you have more ideas, feel free to add your comment.

On Saturday we'll publish the second-part of our Halloween special lists - this time the green things you should be horrified about!